You Can Assign the Value of One Struct Variable to Another Struct Variable of ____ Type.

BASICs of C/C++ Programming

Writing simple C++ programs
Example ane
//  Simple printing code.  #include <iostream> using namespace std;  int primary() { 	int a = ten, b = 20; 	     cout << "sum is" << a + b << endl; 	cout << "product is " << a*b << endl;  	render 0; }          

Try This Example!

A typical c++ program uses several header files in order to use the library routines that has been developed already. In the above example, the argument #include <iostream> indicates that nosotros demand the I/O library. The argument "#using namespace std;" says that this example utilize output operator "<<" divers in the standard name space. In this instance, a user has declared 2 integers a and b; and, they are initialized to 10 and 20 respectively. Finally it computes the sum and products of a and b and outputs them on the console as shown below.

Example two
//  Simple press code. //  #include <iostream> using namespace std;  int chief() { 	int a, b; 	cout << "Input a:"; cin >> a; 	     cout << "Input b:"; cin >> b; 	     cout << "sum is" << a + b << endl; 	     cout << "production is " << a*b << endl;  	render 0; }          

Endeavor This Example!

This example is very similar to the previous i except that the user inputs the values "a" and "b" and they are read using the input operator "cin". Finally the code calculates and prints the values of the sum and production of a and b

Information types

Computer stores the variables in the memory. Therefore, computer needs to know what kind of data nosotros store so that computer reserves some memory space for the variable. A Byte [B] is the minimum amount of retention space for a computer. 1 Byte is 8 bits and a bit is either 0 or one. 1KB=2^8=1024 Bytes Data blazon is defined every bit a gear up of values together with a set of operations. C++ data types may exist grouped into three categories:

  • Unproblematic
  • Structured
  • Pointer
  • Unproblematic Information Types:

    In that location are three categories within the simple data type

      1. Integral: integer (Whole numbers)
      2. Floating-point: Real numbers
      3. Enumeration type: user-defined information type
      4. Important Variants integral data types are
          1. int
          2. bool
          3. Char

    It is also the number of bytes taken past a data type is compiler dependent. brusk or brusque int data blazon covers whole numbers that tin can be positive or negative (-128 to 127). unsigned brusque int takes only positive number (0 to 255)

    • -6728
    • 0
    • 78
    • +763
    • P78
        1. Note that + sign is optional
        2. No commas should be used inside an integer (due east.yard. 10.825 is wrong)

      In order to use a variable in C++, the variables should be declared kickoff with the types.

    Following program has int a, b, and c. a and b values are given and observe c. Prints a, b, and c

    #include <iostream>  using namespace std;   int master()   { 	int a=ten, b=5, c; 	    c = a*b; 	        cout << "a = " << a <<", b= "<<b<<endl;  	cout << "c = " << c << endl;  	render 0; }          

    Endeavour This Instance!


    Following program has int a, b, and c. user can enter a and b values and calculate c. Prints a, b, and c

                #include <iostream>  using namespace std;   int main()   { 	int a, b, c;  	cout<<"Enter integer a and b values :";  	cin>>a>>b; 	c = a*b;  	cout << "a = " << a <<", b= "<<b<<endl;  	cout << "c = " << c << endl;  	return 0; }          

    Attempt This Example!

    It is skillful addiction to have prompt before cin command so that user knows that he has to respond.

    bool Data Blazon
  • bool type
    • Two values: true and imitation
    • Manipulate logical (Boolean) expressions
  • truthful and faux are chosen logical values
  • bool, true, and simulated are reserved words
  • char Data Type
  • The smallest integral data type
  • Used for characters: messages, digits, and special symbols
  • Each character is enclosed in single quotes
    • 'A', 'a', '0', '*', '+', '$', '&'
  • A bare infinite is a grapheme and is written ' ', with a space left between the single quotes
  • Instance
    #include <iostream>  using namespace std;   int main()   { 	char x1='C';  	char x2='P';  	cout<<" This is a exam..."<<endl;  	cout<<"Answer : "<<x1<<x2<<x2<<endl;  	return 0; }        

    Try This Case!



    It is skillful addiction to have prompt before cin command so that user knows that he has to reply.

    #include <iostream>  using namespace std;   int main()   { 	char x1='C', x2='P';  	cout<<" This is a test..."<<endl;  	cout<<" Answer : "<<x1<<x2<<x2<<endl;  	cout<<endl;   	render 0; }        

    Try This Instance!

    #include <iostream>  using namespace std;   int main()   { 	char x1, x2;  	cout<<" Enter x1 and x2 chacaters:";  	cin>>x1>>x2;  	cout<<" This is a test..."<<endl;  	cout<<" Respond : "<<x1<<x2<<x2<<endl;  	cout<<endl;    return 0;  }        

    Try This Case!


    Real Numbers
    1. C++ uses scientific notation to represent real numbers (floating-betoken note or scientific notation)
    2. This allows a user to stand for too small and likewise large numbers
        1. 3.141592
        2. 0.3679
        3. 1.602e-xix
        4. 3.4e+64 ( 50! L factorial)
        5. 1.2e9 (1.2 GHz)
    3. Existent numbers may be classified as float and double

    [Nosotros always utilise double in our code as it is more accurate than float]

    #include <iostream>  using namespace std;   int principal()   { 	double x1, x2;  	cout<<" Enter x1 and x2 double numbers:";  	cin>>x1>>x2;  	cout<<" This is a test..."<<endl;  	cout<<" Full : "<< x1 <<" + "<< x2 <<" = "<< x1+x2 << endl;  	cout<<endl;    return 0; }        

    Endeavour This Case!


    #include <iostream>  using namespace std;   int main()   { 	double x1, x2, total;  	cout<<" Enter x1 and x2 double numbers:";  	cin>>x1>>x2; 	total=x1+x2;  	cout<<endl;  	cout<<" Full : "<< x1 <<" + "<< x2 <<" = "<< full << endl;  	cout<<endl;    return 0; }        

    Enumerated information types allows to designate a symbolic name for each integer.

    This method Improves readability of your code

  • enum direction {Northward, South, Due east, Due west};
  • // Here N=0, South =one, East =2, and West =3

  • enum radixchoice {binary, octal, decimal, hex};
  • Now one ascertain a variable around this enumerated type management myheading = Due east; radixchoice mybase=hex;


    Variable is a location in memory where a value tin can be stored. Declare variables with data blazon and name before use

    Example int x1; int x2; int sum;

    You can declare several variables of aforementioned type in one proclamation Comma separated list

    int x1, x2, sum;

  • Variable name must be a valid identifier
  • Series of characters (letters, digits, underscores)
  • Cannot begin with digit
  • Case sensitive (uppercase letters are dissimilar from lowercase letters)
  • Use identifiers of 31 characters or fewer
  • Avert identifiers that begin with underscores and double underscores, because C++ compilers may use names like that for their own purposes internally
  • There are some reserved keywords for C++, avoid using them as variable names.
  • It is better to identify a space afterwards each comma (,) to brand programs more readable. If yous like you can declare each variable on a separate line. So that you to place a comment adjacent to each annunciation
  • It is better to place declarations at the start of a function and carve up them from the executable statements with i blank line to highlight where the declarations end and the executable statements begin
  • The following listing shows the some reserved words in C++. These reserved words may non be used as constant or variable or any other identifier names.
  • Instance
              #include <iostream>  using namespace std;   int principal()   { 	double x1, x2, total;  	cout<<" Enter x1 and x2 double numbers:";  	cin>>x1>>x2; 	full=x1+x2;  	cout<<endl;  	cout<<" Full : "<< x1 <<" + "<< x2 <<" = "<< total << endl;  	cout<<endl;    return 0; }        

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    Global Variables:

    Global variables are defined outside of all the functions, normally on top of the plan. The global variables are available for utilize the entire program subsequently the declaration and can be accessed by any function in the plan. Post-obit are some examples using global and local variables:

    #include <iostream>  using namespace std;  // Global variable annunciation: int Y;   int main ()   {  	// Local variable proclamation:   	int a, b; // actual initialization   	a =x;   	b =20;   	Y = a + b;   	cout <<"The full is :"<< Y<<endl;     return 0; }        

    Try This Instance!


    Annotation:Note: If a program can have same name for local and global variables, the value of local variable within a office volition take preference.

    #include <iostream>  using namespace std;   // Global variable announcement:   int Y;   int main ()   {  	// Local variable declaration and nitialization :   	int a=ten, b=twenty,Y=xxx;  	      Y = a + b + Y;   	cout <<"The total is :"<< Y << endl;    render 0; }        

    Effort This Example!



    Operators tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical operations. C++ has following built-in operators:

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators:The following arithmetics operators supported by C++ language:

    The increment operator ++ adds 1 to its operand, and the decrement operator -- subtracts 1 from its operand


    Example x = x+1; can be written as x++; //postfix form

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